Our Pension Plans are designed for your secured retirement. With the maturity benefit, you will receive the proceeds according to the contract regardless of irregular economic conditions happening especially these times. Our products, the New Fund Provider Mabuhay and Fund Provider Elite provides you with flexible retirement options according to your needs.

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The FUND PROVIDER ELITE is a systematic fund accumulation program designed to help you plan for financial independence and self-reliance during retirement. It is specifically aimed to further augment your income during your productive years thru the YEARLY CASH BENEFIT and provide pension for your retirement years.
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The FUND PROVIDER MABUHAY is a disciplined savings scheme with a fixed number of contributions within five (5) years that will ensure a pre-determined amount of pension fund within a specified future date. it has a LONGEVITY BENEFIT where, when you outlive the maturity date of your plan, you will be entitled to a lump sum payable upon maturity date in addition to your Pension Maturity Benefit
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Financial Wellness is a short and long term financial decisions resulting to a solid foundation in one's life journey. Living within your means and learning to manage your finances will give you a holistic financial health

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