October 25, 2019

Hogwarts inspired is CFPI’s theme in Excellence Awards

QUEZON CITY - "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends". This is the word of Albus Dumbledore in the famous Harry Potter movie which gave inspiration to the participants of the 3rd Marketing Excellence Awards (MEA) held recently at the 7th Floor Caritas Corporate Center. This, despite the encountered problem of the mother company Caritas Health Shield as regards the imposed Cease and Desist Order of the Insurance Commission, sales associates of Caritas Financial Plans, Inc. kept on fighting and stand still to face the battle on the field. Though there were hardship during those times, CFPI sales associates took their limelight and help in the marketing activities of Caritas in general. Thus, the 3rd MEA was again another successful celebration of marketing excellence where lots of prizes and awards were given to the top producers of the company. Caritas Financial Plans, Inc., considered as one of the youngest player in the pre-need industry is now gaining the trust of the buying public and has become one of the most sought pre-need companies in the country today.

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